Every year our HomeOwnership Center is able to empower over 1,000 people from communities throughout the state through our homebuyer and financial education programs and one-on-one counseling. Our educators provide critical tools and confidence to help them achieve their goals.
We love to share stories of the perseverance and achievement of our program participants and residents of our properties. We believe that every Montanan matters and that their successes are our collective success.

Money was always a scary topic
It's never too late
Homeownership seemed impossible
I wanted a house so my son could have a yard
Did you buy your home after taking Homeword’s Get Ready for HomeOwnership Class? Did you learn to take control of your finances through our free Financial Skill Building Class? Have you made strides through one-on-one financial or homebuyer counseling? Are you a resident at a Homeword property you are proud to call home?
We want to hear from you! Contact us or fill out the form below to share your success story and photo, and we’ll enter you into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate for Home ReSource! If the winner does not live in Missoula, we can supply that person with a gift card they can use in their area. To ensure that your images look good across any platform or device, please send only high-quality, color jpgs that are 2400×1600 pixels in size. We’re especially interested in photos of you or you and your family in front of your home if you’ve purchased one after our classes!
Your story will be shared to inspire others to help us provide safe, healthy homes as well as offer coaching and education to other Montanans. Submit by June 30 for the July drawing. Submit by December 31 for the January drawing. Many thanks to Home ReSource for being the generous sponsor of our Success Stories!