Taina Curry devoted herself to raising three daughters as a single mother, doing whatever it took to provide for her family. It was a constant financial struggle. But even as her children reached adulthood, stability remained out of reach.

In 2009, Taina followed her youngest daughter to Missoula. They rented a place together for a short period of time and attended the University of Montana, where Taina earned her degree in education.

“I rented with my best friend for three years after that,” she said, “but then I had to go down to Texas to take care of my elderly parents.”

After her parents passed away, Taina decided to return to Missoula. Her youngest daughter had settled on a small farm in Florence, her other two grown-up daughters were living in the San Francisco area and her former roommate had fallen ill and moved in with her sister in Spokane. With no close friends or family left in town to share housing costs, Taina was on her own.

“When I came back in 2018 everything was really expensive,” Taina recalled, “so I had to rent rooms. That just didn’t work out. It was a long, hard road trying to move back here and not having a roommate to come back to.”

Finding stable housing became a relentless challenge for Taina. Some landlords backed out of agreements, while others raised the rent beyond her means. The longest she managed to stay in one place was a year, and the constant uprooting took its toll.

Determined to find a more long-term and reliable place to live, Taina put her name on the waiting list for Homeword’s rent-restricted rental homes. That’s how she eventually found her way to Solstice.

“It was worth the wait,” she said. “It’s a relief not to have to move from place to place anymore. Having an affordable rent—and I was able to draw social security after I moved in—that was a relief, too.”

Now living at Solstice, Taina embraces her newfound sense of independence. For the first time in years, she no longer has to rely on roommates to afford her rent. Instead, she enjoys having her own space and amenities that enhance her daily life.

Taina adopted a cat, Mr. Bojangles, whose cat tower sits on her balcony, overlooking Solstice’s greenery. She takes full advantage of the nearby walking trail and enjoys riding her bike around the area. Plus, her home is just a short three-minute drive to work—something she deeply appreciates.

“I work for Parks and Rec, running a program in the kids’ camps in the summer and an after-school program during the school-year. I’m the oldest one, but the kids love me, and I love them. I just connect to them really well, and I feel like I’m making a difference in the community.”

With a home she can afford, Taina has found a better balance between work and her personal life.

“It gives me the chance to pursue the musical dreams I’ve had for years and get to know the music community,” said Taina.

Music has always been a passion for Taina, and she’s been playing with other musicians, working on putting together a band and even recording music for her YouTube channel. Solstice’s community room has become an invaluable space for her practice sessions.

“We practice outside a lot in the summer,” she said, “but it’s nice it’s available when it gets cold since neither of us owns a house.”

In addition to blossoming as a singer-songwriter, Taina is also focusing on her financial future.

“I found security. Now, hopefully, I can pay off bills and get a newer vehicle. It gives me a chance to get into a better financial position as I get older.”

After years of uncertainty, Taina has finally found a place to call home at Solstice—a foundation for the next chapter of her life.