No matter where you are on your journey to homeownership, our nationally certified homebuyer class is for you. You will learn how to:

  • Select a lender
  • Determine what you can afford
  • Use your credit wisely
  • Distinguish between different types of loans
  • Understand home inspections and insurance
  • Identify special financing programs
  • Work with a real estate professional
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of homeownership

Offered monthly, this course is taught by Homeword’s HUD Certified Housing Counselor and Homebuyer Educator, Julie Pavlish, and other professionals. See the agenda for more class information.

Please see our Classes and Services page for information about accommodations and childcare subsidies.


Scheduled upcoming classes are:

  • September 24, 2024
  • November 19-21, 2024
  • December 7, 2024


Each person who successfully completes the entire course is provided with a certificate that is required for many down payment assistance programs and other lending programs for first-time homebuyers.

Homeword does not offer down payment assistance funds or loans, but our instructors and counselors can refer you to available down payment assistance options in the community.


Visit our Counseling Services page for more information about all our counseling options.

Julie Pavlish


Julie is a HUD Certified Housing Counselor, a National Center for Home Ownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC) Housing Counselor, and has been certified for Credit Counseling for Maximum Results.

Read more about Julie on our staff webpage.


Our programs are made possible thanks to the generous support of our HomeOwnership Center sponsors. Learn more about sponsorship »

Housing Counseling and Education clients are not obligated to use any product or service offered by sponsorship agencies, their affiliates or partners. Homeword will provide information on alternative services, programs and products. Clients should consider a variety of resources and options and select the resources that best meet their needs.

First Interstate Bank logo
Glacier Bank logo
First Security Bank Division of Glacier Bank logo
TrailWest Bank logo
Wells Fargo logo


Many thanks to our generous funders who help make it possible to offer our HomeOwnership Programs!

Missoula County logo
Missoula, The Garden City, Hub of Five Valleys
Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation logo
First Interstate Bank logo
Montana Board of Housing logo
US Bank logo
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage logo