Hybrid: Homeword's HomeOwnershipCenter and ZoomHomeword's Board of Directors bi-monthly board meeting. Open to the public.
Homeword's Board of Directors bi-monthly board meeting. Open to the public.
No matter where you are on your journey to homeownership, our nationally certified homebuyer class is for you.
You're invited to our anniversary celebration commemorating 30 years of strengthening Montana communities. Over the past three decades, we have created or preserved 1,609 homes in 14 communities around the state and empowered over 20,500 people through our programs. Join us for live music, pizza, beverages, games and prizes! This [...]
No matter where you are on your journey to homeownership, our nationally certified homebuyer class is for you.
Gain essential money management skills to make your finances go farther with savings, investing or paying down debt.
Homeword's Board of Directors bi-monthly board meeting. Open to the public.
This post-purchase class is just for homeowners to help you stay up to date with information and resources to protect your largest asset.
No matter where you are on your journey to homeownership, our nationally certified homebuyer class is for you.
Support Homeword this Giving Tuesday!
You're invited to our State of the Organization talk on Tuesday, Dec. 3, from noon to 1 p.m. on Zoom. Join us to hear about our updates and accomplishments. Registration is required for this event.