About Andi Armstrong

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So far Andi Armstrong has created 31 blog entries.
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Taina’s Resident Success Story

TAINA'S RESIDENT SUCCESS STORY Taina Curry devoted herself to raising three daughters as a single mother, doing whatever it took to provide for her family. It was a constant financial struggle. But even as her children reached adulthood, stability remained out of reach. In 2009, Taina followed [...]

By |2025-03-11T15:45:44-06:00March 11, 2025|Featured Posts|0 Comments
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New Development in Billings to Leverage Innovative Construction Method

NEW BILLINGS DEVELOPMENT TO LEVERAGE INNOVATIVE CONSTRUCTION METHOD Homeword, in collaboration with Homefront, is bringing much-needed affordable housing to Billings with its latest development, LB Lofts. This innovative multi-family rental community will provide 101 safe, healthy and affordable homes for local residents. Utilizing a hybrid modular construction [...]

By |2025-03-12T09:45:06-06:00March 11, 2025|Featured Posts|0 Comments
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Alissa’s Homebuyer Success Story

ALISSA'S HOMEBUYER SUCCESS STORY Alissa Anderson, a wildlife technician, spent years living a seasonal, transient lifestyle before buying a house in Columbia Falls. “I moved three times a year from friends' houses to bunkhouses for seven years,” said Alissa. “Then I did grad school and was able [...]

By |2025-02-18T11:54:53-07:00December 23, 2024|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Alissa’s Homebuyer Success Story
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What I Learned as a Homeword Intern

WHAT I LEARNED AS A HOMEWORD INTERN My name is Keira Skovlin, and this summer I had the honor of working as the fundraising and communications (FunCom) intern at Homeword. In just two short months, I learned about Homeword’s many functions as a nonprofit: rental homes for [...]

By |2024-08-30T09:36:18-06:00August 30, 2024|Featured Posts|Comments Off on What I Learned as a Homeword Intern

Trinity Apartments Resident Success

TRINITY APARTMENTS RESIDENT SUCCESS "Trinity Apartments has been home to my family for the last year and a half. My children and I needed a safe place to call home in Missoula. The housing crisis in Missoula put our family at risk of homelessness, leaving me feeling [...]

By |2024-08-12T11:12:17-06:00August 9, 2024|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Trinity Apartments Resident Success
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Here Comes the Sun: Solar at Homeword’s Properties

HERE COMES THE SUN: SOLAR AT HOMEWORD'S PROPERTIES Summer is in full swing, and naturally our thoughts turn to all the ways we benefit from the season’s sunny days. Barbecues, playing on the river, camping and otherwise spending time outdoors come to mind—but, most importantly for our [...]

By |2024-07-10T10:24:26-06:00July 10, 2024|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Here Comes the Sun: Solar at Homeword’s Properties
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Jason’s Resident Success Story

JASON'S RESIDENT SUCCESS STORY Jason Davies doesn’t let anything slow him down, thriving while living with disabilities from a childhood stroke. Wearing a bright red cape and S insignia, he is known around Homeword’s Orchard Gardens property where he lives and broader Missoula community by his nickname, [...]

By |2024-07-10T09:04:53-06:00July 10, 2024|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Jason’s Resident Success Story
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Blue Heron Place Permanent Supportive Housing Serves as Statewide Model

BLUE HERON PLACE PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING SERVES AS STATEWIDE MODEL In September, Homeword and partner Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) opened Blue Heron Place to Missoula’s long-term unhoused neighbors. These apartments are Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), a proven solution for ending chronic homelessness that combines intensive case management [...]

By |2024-03-19T14:50:32-06:00December 21, 2023|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Blue Heron Place Permanent Supportive Housing Serves as Statewide Model
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Urban Farm Grows Thousands of Pounds of Food at Homeword Property

URBAN FARM GROWS THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF PRODUCE AT HOMEWORD PROPERTY Homeword’s Orchard Gardens property is situated on 4.6 acres near the urban-rural fringe of the west side of Missoula, an area still deeply rooted in agricultural traditions. Residents began moving into the 35 rental homes at [...]

By |2024-03-19T14:51:10-06:00November 21, 2023|Featured Posts|Comments Off on Urban Farm Grows Thousands of Pounds of Food at Homeword Property
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5 Quick Tips for Holiday Financial Wellness

5 QUICK TIPS FOR HOLIDAY FINANCIAL WELLNESS The stress of the holiday season can be compounded with many families feeling financially strapped during this time of year as well. According to a recent Forbes survey on American holiday spending, over a third of respondents (36%) anticipate spending [...]

By |2023-11-16T10:20:14-07:00November 16, 2023|Featured Posts|Comments Off on 5 Quick Tips for Holiday Financial Wellness
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